Policy Landscape and Our Work
Georgia is the 8th most populous state, with a K-12 enrollment of 1.69m students. According to Feeding America’s report on hunger, throughout the state of Georgia, 1 in 5 children experience food insecurity, impacting academic success, mental focus, and health outcomes.
In 2023, HB 510, a bill that would have provided free school meals to all students in Georgia, passed in both chambers of the legislature before it was vetoed by the governor.
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See partner sites*Source: Georgia Department of Education
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FoodCorps is a non-partisan, non-profit organization. FoodCorps staff and FoodCorps AmeriCorps members may not participate in advocacy or lobbying activities during work time charged to an AmeriCorps funded grant or while earning AmeriCorps service hours. No federal funds were used to prepare or distribute advocacy content.
Last updated October 08, 2024