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OSSE is not seeking new service members for the 2024-2025 school year.

As DC’s state education agency, The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) works urgently and purposefully, in partnership with education and related systems, to sustain, accelerate, and deepen progress for DC students. OSSE’s Division of Health and Wellness (H&W) leverages programming, partnerships, policy, and data to remove health barriers to learning so that people of all ages and backgrounds are prepared to succeed in school and in life. Our work is framed by The Whole School Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model which focuses on the child to align the common goals of education leaders and the health sectors to put into action a whole child approach to education. H&W has identified access to meals as a priority goal, which will ensure that all children and students, 6 months to 18 years old, who qualify for free or reduced-price meals or those who rely on USDA meal programs, have access to meals including breakfast, lunch, and afterschool snack and/or supper, regardless of location across the District. OSSE is deeply invested in developing and implementing long term plans for making progress around food education and school meals- including local procurement, school gardens, and nutrition education. In a typical week, a service member at OSSE might support Community of Practice meetings for DC educators, develop resources to support school gardens and farm to school programs, or help promote district-wide events like Growing Healthy Schools Month, School Garden Bicycle Tours, and Strawberries and Salad Greens Day.

OSSE is not seeking new service members for the 2024-2025 school year.

As DC’s state education agency, The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) works urgently and purposefully, in partnership with education and related systems, to sustain, accelerate, and deepen progress for DC students. OSSE’s Division of Health and Wellness (H&W) leverages programming, partnerships, policy, and data to remove health barriers to learning so that people of all ages and backgrounds are prepared to succeed in school and in life. Our work is framed by The Whole School Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model which focuses on the child to align the common goals of education leaders and the health sectors to put into action a whole child approach to education. H&W has identified access to meals as a priority goal, which will ensure that all children and students, 6 months to 18 years old, who qualify for free or reduced-price meals or those who rely on USDA meal programs, have access to meals including breakfast, lunch, and afterschool snack and/or supper, regardless of location across the District. OSSE is deeply invested in developing and implementing long term plans for making progress around food education and school meals- including local procurement, school gardens, and nutrition education. In a typical week, a service member at OSSE might support Community of Practice meetings for DC educators, develop resources to support school gardens and farm to school programs, or help promote district-wide events like Growing Healthy Schools Month, School Garden Bicycle Tours, and Strawberries and Salad Greens Day.