Policy Landscape
FoodCorps is a member of the Rhode Island Healthy School Meals for All Coalition and a member of the RI Food Policy Council.
Rhode Island was one of 33 states that introduced HSMFA bills between 2021 and 2023 but efforts were unsuccessful. Recently, expanded access to school meals was made possible through funding secured in the final state budget. This funding ensures that 6,500 children in households who currently receive reduced-price meals at school will now get those meals free of charge.
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*Source: NCES
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FoodCorps is a non-partisan, non-profit organization. FoodCorps staff and FoodCorps AmeriCorps members may not participate in advocacy or lobbying activities during work time charged to an AmeriCorps funded grant or while earning AmeriCorps service hours. No federal funds were used to prepare or distribute advocacy content.
Last updated October 08, 2024