Edible Manhattan on Corps values and taking back the food system
Edible Communities’ Manhattan mag covers FoodCorps, which has its headquarters in New York City.
Edible Communities’ Manhattan mag covers FoodCorps, which has its headquarters in New York City.
by Jamie Feldmar
Sweet potatoes are at the top of Sebastian Naskaris’s agenda.
As part of his ongoing effort to get local produce into school cafeterias, the 28-year-old Upper West Side native now living in Moore County, North Carolina—one of the poorest counties in America—serves as solution-wrangling liaison between area farmers and the district’s child nutrition supervisor.
For months he’s been working doggedly to get the crop on the menu, rather than its sticky canned cousin, finessing the tricky jigsaw of commodity suppliers, local growers, so-called kitchens equipped not to cook but merely to “heat and serve,” and a federal system that requires schools to feed each students on less than $2 per day.
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