FoodCorps Applauds Attention to School Meals at DNC, Urges All Candidates to Prioritize Access to Child Nutrition
About FoodCorps
Who We Are
Our 2030 Goal
By 2030, every child has access to food education and nourishing food in schools.
Our Mission
FoodCorps partners with schools and communities to nourish kids’ health, education, and sense of belonging.
Our Vision
Every child, in every school, experiences the joy and power of food.
Service Members Jamisha Williams (right) and Angela Mills (left) host an apple taste test for students. (Bronx, NY)
Our values
Our Work
We’re not here to “fix” communities. They have the people, resources, and assets to succeed. We just help lift what’s already there.
—Kenya Collins, Former FoodCorps Vice President of Equity
Read Kenya's Letter