Huffington Post: Debra Eschmeyer on why AmeriCorps works for FoodCorps
Our co-founder and Director of Policy and Partnerships asked our service members why they think the AmeriCorps model works in their communities. Here’s what they had to say.
Our co-founder and Director of Policy and Partnerships asked our service members why they think the AmeriCorps model works in their communities. Here’s what they had to say.
by Debra Eschmeyer
“America’s greatness was not crafted in skyscrapers alone, but on the ground by those who could see what needed to be done.” -President Barack Obama
This week is AmeriCorps Week, during which AmeriCorps programs around the country shine a spotlight on the ways “AmeriCorps works.” AmeriCorps works by placing citizens at the center of the solution and demonstrating how service is for the people, by the people, for a stronger nation.
The reason AmeriCorps works is that it takes a need and addresses it with a cost-effective, community based approach. The first key factor was that our model allows for community-specific solutions. We are a national program with a unified goal — to connect kids to real food and help them grow up healthy — but the way our service members accomplish this goal reflects the needs of the community they serve. The solutions for the Midwestern city of Flint Michigan will vary from those needed on the White Mountain Apache reservation in Arizona.
To read the rest of this piece on the Huffington Post, click here.
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