Huffington Post: Deb Eschmeyer on the full school food equation
Deb Eschmeyer, FoodCorps’ co-founder and Director of Partnerships and Policy, weighs in on the recent school lunch debate.
URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to protect funding for school meals! Take 2 minutes to make your voice heard.
Deb Eschmeyer, FoodCorps’ co-founder and Director of Partnerships and Policy, weighs in on the recent school lunch debate.
by Debra Eschmeyer
The first time you hand a child an apple instead of a cookie, or a baked sweet potato wedge instead of a French fry, he is bound to be disappointed. Similarly, the first time you give a child a math textbook, he may come home frustrated with fractions. But we don’t give up on our kids with math, and we shouldn’t give up on them with healthy food. We simply can’t afford to.
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