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Lesson Plans

The FoodCorps Lessons include hands-on experiential activities to engage kids in learning about healthy food. These lessons are for grades K-5, and are organized by grade, season, and theme. The lessons are tied to national academic standards and were developed following best practices and frameworks.

Each lesson was developed with input from FoodCorps members, community partners, and resource specialists, and has been evaluated and updated to reflect recommendations from our community of food educators. This suite of lessons is intended to guide food and garden educators to spark inquiry and love for healthy food and can be adapted to reflect the needs of the students. 

FoodCorps Resources

Looking for more resources to help students developing knowledge, curiosity, and excitement about healthy food? Explore our full resource library. FoodCorps resources support students in developing increasingly sophisticated knowledge of and skills in the six themes listed below:

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Video lessons

Lesson Plans

Rolling into Spring

Lesson Plans

Let Us Eat Lettuce!

Lesson Plans

Dried Fruit Garland


FoodCorps in Your Community