New York Times & Mark Bittman: “Food’s New Foot Soldiers”
America’s “Minimalist” chef lays out big ambitions for FoodCorps in a dedicated New York Times column.
America’s “Minimalist” chef lays out big ambitions for FoodCorps in a dedicated New York Times column.
In the New York Times, columnist Mark Bittman writes:
“FoodCorps, which started last week, is symbolic of just what we need: a national service program that aims to improve nutrition education for children, develop school gardening projects and change what’s being served on school lunch trays.”
“I’d be even more elated if there were 50 FoodCorps members in each state. Or 5,000 in each, which approaches the number we’re going to need to educate our kids so they can look forward to a lifetime of good health and good eating. But FoodCorps is a model we can use to build upon.”
“Here’s the problem… raising $2 million to promote healthy eating in our children is hard. Ellis says that his dream is to have 1,000 service members a year working in all 50 states by 2020. I say let’s have 10,000 by 2015.”
“FoodCorps is up and running. Hallelujah!”
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