As a FoodCorps service member, I wake up every day excited to teach classes and serve my own community. By planting seeds with students on the Navajo Reservation, I’m giving them a new twist on old agricultural techniques. For generations, our people have farmed the land, endured droughts, and used traditional knowledge to grow food. Today, I’m bridging the gap between our youth and elders by sharing this trickle down knowledge of traditional foods.
In Tuba City, we’re already seeing the ground level effects of climate change. But we adapt, learning how to deal with rains that come too early, too late, or not at all. I cherish the moments I spend with traditional farmers—their stories, experiences, and advice. From low water techniques to heirloom seed awareness, I feel privileged to translate ancient
knowledge to future leaders.
If I’m able to change the way one student looks at where his/her food comes from, then I’m making a difference. It’s up to our own people to change how we Navajos live and eat. It’s up to our young people to give the next generation a better start than what we had.
Want to learn more about Grand Canyon Trust and their efforts? Read notes from people firsthand who are from the field, on the front lines of conservation on the Colorado Plateau.
Grand Canyon Trust Blog