URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to protect funding for school meals! Take 2 minutes to make your voice heard.

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About FoodCorps

Who We Are

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    Our 2030 Goal

    By 2030, every child has access to food education and nourishing food in schools.

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    Our Mission

    FoodCorps partners with schools and communities to nourish kids’ health, education, and sense of belonging.

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    Our Vision

    Every child, in every school, experiences the joy and power of food.

Corps members Jamisha Williams (right) and Angela Mills (left) host an apple taste test for students. (Bronx, NY)

Our Work

What We Do

Through hands-on food education, nourishing school meals, and growing community through food, FoodCorps shows up where kids and food meet.

Where We Work

FoodCorps works with over 230 schools nationwide, from Maine to California and in tribal nations across the United States.

Our Impact

FoodCorps makes a measurable difference for students and schools. Students eat more fruits and veggies, learn to love food, and celebrate nourishing food at school.

Policy & Advocacy

By advocating for policies at the local, state, and federal levels, FoodCorps works to usher in a better school food system for all our nation’s kids.

“My FoodCorps service gave me the ability to work directly with kids in gardens. [Now] farming will be part of my life forever.”

—Christopher Horne, FoodCorps alum and farmer

Learn more about Christopher
A student holds freshly picked peppers at Carolyn Lewis Elementary. (Conway, AR)

Take Action For Kids

Students show off their muscles. (Aberdeen, NC)