URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to protect funding for school meals! Take 2 minutes to make your voice heard.

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Day: September 6, 2018

The Power of Nutrition Education

“Thanks to a particularly fierce Boston winter, our school year was dotted with snow days. Each time a cancellation was announced, I noticed students’ distress, rather than glee. ‘Their families rely on school meals,’ a teacher told me. ‘They might not know if they get to eat tomorrow.'” Ellie Doyle was a runner-up in the 2018 FoodCorps Victory Growers Award “for a compelling account of hunger and food insecurity,” winning a $1,000 prize for her service site.

Alleviating Hunger Through Community

“No matter how healthy the food on their lunch plate is, for students to feel nourished, they must be in a space where they feel as though they are welcome and understood.” Zoe Flavin was a runner-up in the 2018 FoodCorps Victory Growers Award “for a compelling account of hunger and food insecurity,” winning a $1,000 prize for her service site.