Introducing Our 2024-2025 Alumni Advocacy Leads
Why I Serve in My Home State
When I graduated high school, I was determined to leave my hometown of Kalispell, Montana. I believed that staying would mean failing at life.
Interview: Shana Donahue on Food Justice and Her Journey from UDC to FoodCorps
In memory of a beloved member of the FoodCorps community.
Alumni Take Their Experience to Capitol Hill
I became a FoodCorps service member, poised and ready to serve in schools connecting kids to healthy food, just as the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 was set to be implemented. The act mandated more fruits and vegetables, more whole grains, and decreases in the sodium in school foods. At FoodCorps orientation I … Continued
Inside Philanthropy: FoodCorps Gaining Steam with Philanthropists as Systems Change Solution
With the country standing to lose $1 trillion a year because of diet-related disease by 2030, philanthropists are turning to FoodCorps for a scalable solution. Prominent philanthropy journal Inside Philanthropy talks to FoodCorps donors Kat Taylor and New Profit’s Eliza Greenberg to find out why a program like FoodCorps can be a smart investment in healthy children … Continued
Inside Philanthropy: FoodCorps Gaining Steam with Philanthropists as Systems Change Solution
While controversy about school food filled Congress and cafeterias, philanthropists have been turning to FoodCorps to power systems-change in the way kids eat.