FoodCorps Responds to USDA Cuts to Local Food Spending
URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to protect funding for school meals! Take 2 minutes to make your voice heard.
I became a FoodCorps service member, poised and ready to serve in schools connecting kids to healthy food, just as the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 was set to be implemented. The act mandated more fruits and vegetables, more whole grains, and decreases in the sodium in school foods. At FoodCorps orientation I … Continued
With the country standing to lose $1 trillion a year because of diet-related disease by 2030, philanthropists are turning to FoodCorps for a scalable solution. Prominent philanthropy journal Inside Philanthropy talks to FoodCorps donors Kat Taylor and New Profit’s Eliza Greenberg to find out why a program like FoodCorps can be a smart investment in healthy children … Continued
While controversy about school food filled Congress and cafeterias, philanthropists have been turning to FoodCorps to power systems-change in the way kids eat.
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama honored the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by planting the seeds for healthy habits with FoodCorps Service Member Natalie Harris at Leckie Elementary School.
Donors and changemakers alike have a growing interest in food issues. The Chronicle of Philanthropy takes a look at FoodCorps and friends.
In celebration of Native American Heritage Month, FoodCorps North Carolina Service Member Katie Rainwater talks about farm to school in Cherokee Central Schools, a recipient of USDA Farm to School grants.
The South Bronx section of New York City may have high obesity rates, but a FoodCorps member and an Edible Schoolyard NYC teacher are helping kids get out and garden, developing a taste for trying new foods.
Lowell, MA—the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution—is now fighting hunger and food insecurity with a real food revolution. Hear how from homegrown Christopher Horne, winner of the 2015 Victory Growers Award from C&S Wholesale Grocers.
FoodCorps’ new Alumni Grant Program is designed to make it easier for our alumni to access the resources they need to remain active members of the good food movement. Alumni can apply for grants to fund their own professional development, to organize service projects, or to provide seed funding for new ventures. We award 4 … Continued
New partnership with Edible Schoolyard NYC will help students get their hands dirty to learn healthy eating habits.