FoodCorps Responds to USDA Cuts to Local Food Spending
URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to protect funding for school meals! Take 2 minutes to make your voice heard.
Farm to school bills, an attempt to end “lunch shaming,” presidential candidates on national service, and other food policy updates.
In this month’s policy update, we dive into the Kids Eat Local Act, changes to school nutrition standards, food and nutrition funding, and more.
Last week, a USDA official testified on school nutrition rollbacks, changes to the Community Eligibility Provision, and other proposed changes affecting food in school.
President released his budget for the 2020 federal fiscal year. Here, we share rundown on some of the policies FoodCorps tracks closely and how they fared in the budget.
After many twists and turns, Congress finally passed a package of spending bills for 2019. Some good news: more funding for food education!
The longest shutdown in history is over (for now); a new Congress means fresh voices in food policy; new climate change resolution impacts food and farming.
At the time of publishing this article, the government shutdown has dragged on long enough to get itself named the longest in history. Here, we share how the shutdown is impacting a few of the policy areas that we at FoodCorps track closely.
This month’s update is all about how the midterms will influence our policy goals, including the farm bill and the movement to eliminate taxation on the AmeriCorps Education Award.
A new proposal that would hurt the health of people immigrating to the U.S.; an update on the farm bill; a big win for AmeriCorps; and what’s next for the future of nutrition education funding.
Catch up on the latest news about the farm bill, AmeriCorps funding, and school meals.