Our 2024 Child Nutrition Policy Year in Review
How FoodCorps uses nature to nurture schoolkids’ skills
There is no typical day, nor typical week, for FoodCorps service members in metro Atlanta. You might find one in a school garden helping students plant kale, sugar snap peas or carrots. Another might be in a classroom making a layered bean dip and talking about the similarities between those layers and the layers in a garden. Or one could be teaching a lesson on the importance of compost or playing a game that helps bring home what it means to have limited access to food.
Stronger Together: A FoodCorps Member Reflects on Her Service Year
By Cara Plott for Bronx Health REACH I began my year of service as a FoodCorps service member at the Family School not really knowing what to expect. Would I be able to find mentors to help me figure out the needs of the school? Would the school administrators be supportive and excited about expanding … Continued