Our 2024 Child Nutrition Policy Year in Review
Veggie Valentines
Download, print, and share FoodCorps’ veggie-inspired Valentine’s Day Cards.
What is the Farm Bill? Updates For 2023
Here’s what you need to know about how the new Farm Bill will affect kids, schools, and communities.
Recap: What’s Next for Schools? A Virtual Panel on the Impact of the White House Conference [Video]
Here’s what panelists discussed at our virtual panel on the impact of the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.
What’s Next, After the White House Conference? October Policy Updates
The White House Conference is over. What can we do to keep the momentum going?
Statement on National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health: White House Includes FoodCorps Policy Recommendations in National Strategy to Nourish the Futures of All Students
“President Biden’s National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health marks a clear step forward toward a more nourishing future for our nation’s students.”
Biden’s goal to end hunger by 2030 and his new food conference, explained
“We saw in the early days of COVID just how critical food is in our lives. We saw the long lines at the food bank, those streams of cars lined up waiting to collect boxes of food,” said Curt Ellis, CEO and co-founder of FoodCorps.
The Equity Lab Names Kenya Collins and Arely Garcia as Nexus Fellows
Kenya Collins, Vice President of Equity, and Arely Garcia, Director of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, have been chosen as 2022-23 Nexus Fellows.
Nourishing Futures for Every Student: August Policy Updates
We’ve been preparing for the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, championing our policy priorities as Child Nutrition Reauthorization moves forward, and more.
FoodCorps Applauds House Committee for Prioritizing Children’s Health With Action on Child Nutrition Reauthorization
The proposed CNR legislation provides funding and resources for key priorities that help support healthy kids and schools.
Report: Nourishing Futures for Every Student
Policy Recommendations from FoodCorps to the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health