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Author: FoodCorps

Food Advocacy at the White House: Your May Policy Updates

This month, we’re continuing to watch how Congress responds to expiring free school meals waivers, preparing for a major moment at the White House, and monitoring updates in school food policy state by state. Here are the updates you need to know.  School meal waiver updates The update: Along with thousands of other school meals … Continued

FoodCorps Applauds President Biden and Congressional Leaders for Advancing first Conference in 50 Years on Food, Nutrition, Hunger, and Health

FoodCorps Applauds President Biden and Congressional Leaders for Advancing first Conference in 50 Years on Food, Nutrition, Hunger, and Health Media Contact:  May 4, 2022—Today President Biden announced that the White House will hold a conference on food, nutrition, hunger, and health scheduled for September 2022 in Washington, D.C. First convened in 1969, this … Continued