FoodCorps Responds to USDA Cuts to Local Food Spending
URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to protect funding for school meals! Take 2 minutes to make your voice heard.
FoodCorps Applauds President Biden and Congressional Leaders for Advancing first Conference in 50 Years on Food, Nutrition, Hunger, and Health Media Contact: FoodCorps@sunshinesachs.com May 4, 2022—Today President Biden announced that the White House will hold a conference on food, nutrition, hunger, and health scheduled for September 2022 in Washington, D.C. First convened in 1969, this … Continued
50 senators joined Sen. Stabenow and Sen. Murkowski in sponsoring the “Support Kids Not Red Tape Act of 2022.”
MacKenzie Scott has announced her next round of donations and FoodCorps is proud to have been selected as a recipient.
In a move that took advocates by surprise, universal free school meal programs, initially introduced as the pandemic began, were not included in the $1.5 trillion spending bill passed by the Senate.
Congress’s latest omnibus spending bill did not contain funding for the USDA school meals waivers at the expense of millions of children.
The additional funding will provide more of the flexibility schools need to ensure they can source high-quality ingredients.
Problems with the supply chain, staffing shortages, and COVID-19 safety protocols affect school districts ability to serve healthy food.
FoodCorps applauds policymakers’ actions to keep provisions intact around school meals, kitchen upgrades, and nutrition education.
With the Walmart Foundation’s investment, FoodCorps will provide schools with resources to boost exposure to healthy foods.
MolinaCares is funding FoodCorps’ evidence-based lessons teaching kids how to make healthier choices every day.