URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to protect funding for school meals! Take 2 minutes to make your voice heard.

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Tag: Alumni

Meet this year’s Alumni Council

Each year we invite new members to join our Alumni Council to bring fresh perspectives and passions to the group. They are here to support all alumni in launching initiatives they’d like to start, in lifting their voices to FoodCorps’ National team, and in advancing their career goals post-FoodCorps. Meet the Council members below and … Continued

5 Years as a FoodCorps Alum: in 5 Photos

My name is Rachel Spencer, and I’m honored receive the inaugural FoodCorps Alumni Service Leadership Award. I currently work for the USDA in our Office of Community Food Systems farm to school team, where I help child nutrition program operators incorporate local foods in the National School Lunch Program and other federal nutrition programs.

Announcing the 2017 Alumni Service Leadership Award Honorees

What do making kimchi, leading a farm camp and promoting farm-to-school regionally have in common? They are all ways to bring FoodCorps’ values to your work, and they’re the impressive careers and passions of our three inaugural William K. Bowes Service Leadership Award honorees: Lauren Rhoades ‘15, Krizl Soriano ‘16 and Rachel Spencer ‘12. Our … Continued

Mentorship Matters

Our alumni and service members often tell us they are looking for professional mentors and advisors, so we created the Peer Advisor Network (PAN) to make it easy for them to find people with shared interests and skills from right within the alumni and service member community. In this post, we highlight the importance of mentorship through … Continued

Four FoodCorps Alumni Awarded Good Food Grants

FoodCorps’ new Alumni Grant Program is designed to make it easier for our alumni to access the resources they need to remain active members of the good food movement. Alumni can apply for grants to fund their own professional development, to organize service projects, or to provide seed funding for new ventures. We award 4 … Continued

Life After FoodCorps

As spring marches forward the question comes with increasing frequency: “So, Natasha… what’s next?” This may sound preemptive to address in April, five months before the FoodCorps end of service in August. The end of my time in Ennis may be a long way off, but it already seems to be in the thoughts of … Continued