FoodCorps Responds to USDA Cuts to Local Food Spending
URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to protect funding for school meals! Take 2 minutes to make your voice heard.
Students who don’t think they are “into” science or who may find traditional science courses daunting should step into master’s candidate Arla Casselman’s classroom.
When you’re at your wit’s end trying to get a kid to try a new vegetable, you resort to the Trojan Horse method: hiding the offending food in other dishes. The logic goes as such: you love Little One, Little One hates healthy food, but you’ll be darned if Little One isn’t eating healthy, whether they know it or not.
Over the past year, we’ve seen a lot of ups and downs. We’ve had to fight for the existence of AmeriCorps, and we’ve seen our school lunch guidelines relaxed despite taking a stand against it. Still, we believe that big things are possible, and we believe in celebrating our successes.
It has been seven eventful, inspiring years here at FoodCorps, and I find myself feeling deep gratitude for how far we’ve come and for the opportunities that lie ahead. Here are seven things I’m grateful for right now.
This is a guest post from our friends at Alliance for a Healthier Generation.
Sustainable Agriculture Priorities for the 2018 Farm Bill, Help Make the AmeriCorps Education Award Tax-Free, and Sign up for Action Alerts!
Growing up, easy access to fresh, healthy food was a consistent part of Linnea Mack’s life. It wasn’t until she got a little bit older that she realized that wasn’t the case for everybody.
State and local school nutrition wins, updates on the Local FARMS Act, and a new report on childhood obesity
NORTH POWDER — Standing in North Powder Charter School’s garden, Desiree McGinn climbed onto a raised bed to address the 24 students who gathered around her. Onions, potatoes, kale, bell peppers, carrots and tomatoes were ready to be harvested by the students on a recent Monday afternoon.
FoodCorps member Ailish Dennigan is a 2016 recipient of Share Our Strength’s Breakfast After the Bell grant. The grant provided funding and guidance to launch a breakfast cart pilot project at her service site, Brookside Elementary School in Norwalk, Connecticut. Over the course of just a few weeks, her school more than doubled breakfast participation. We spoke with Ailish about how she made it happen.