URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to protect funding for school meals! Take 2 minutes to make your voice heard.

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Year: 2017

Announcing the 2017 Alumni Service Leadership Award Honorees

What do making kimchi, leading a farm camp and promoting farm-to-school regionally have in common? They are all ways to bring FoodCorps’ values to your work, and they’re the impressive careers and passions of our three inaugural William K. Bowes Service Leadership Award honorees: Lauren Rhoades ‘15, Krizl Soriano ‘16 and Rachel Spencer ‘12. Our … Continued

FoodCorps responds to relaxation of school lunch guidelines

Yesterday, the USDA announced a relaxation of healthy school guidelines, slowing the timeline for schools to comply with certain regulations and loosening the standards for others. We are extremely disappointed to see yesterday’s action to relax science-based nutrition standards for school meals.

6 Signs of Spring in Schools

As the weather warms up, kids are beginning to get out and garden even in parts of the country not fortunate enough to have a year-round growing season. Here are hints of a healthy school food environment that you might spot at a FoodCorps school near you. 1. Seeds & seedlings The first signs of … Continued

FoodCorps Deep in the Heart of Apache Land

I remember the first day of FoodCorps Orientation, I was asked by everyone I spoke with how I felt about where I’d be serving.  This question was very simple for me because my service site is located in my home community of Dishchii’bikoh (Cibecue). Dishchii’bikoh translated in English means the Valley of the Red Mountains, … Continued

Worth Fighting For

The President’s Budget proposes eliminating AmeriCorps, the national service program that fuels FoodCorps’ ability to improve children’s health in eighteen states around the country. Here’s what you can do.