Introducing Our 2024-2025 Alumni Advocacy Leads
A New “Chapter” for FoodCorps Lessons
As a FoodCorps AmeriCorps service member, I got pretty creative in the name of connecting kids to healthy food in school. I donned vegetable costumes in the cafeteria, danced around in the garden in front of a live audience of 30 children, and hauled five-gallon buckets of compost through the hallways, to name a few.
Looking Back on a Year of List-Making
Years before I became a busy FoodCorps AmeriCorps service member, I was already a dedicated journaler. My seminal journal entries usually began with a dramatic “Dear Diary…” and continued with thorough retellings of my second-grade days. A decade and a half later, my journals are more like anchors that ground me within the daily whirl.
FoodCorps wraps up service in Warren County, NC
Warren County FoodCorps wrapped up its services here with a celebration last Thursday after seven years of teaching students that locally-grown foods are not only delicious, but also fun to grow.
Investing in Future School Food Leaders
This June, FoodCorps brought together 20 aspiring school food service leaders to help them explore careers in school food, build their network, and get hands-on experience working in school food. They traveled from all over the country to learn from leaders in the field. Vanika Jethwa CT ’17, an alum who joined us from Keene, NH, shares reflections on her experience at the training.
Policy Brief: July 2018
Catch up on the latest news about the farm bill, AmeriCorps funding, and school meals.
In two years, FoodCorps service member transformed two Arkansas schools
Countless seeds have been planted and produce harvested since Mary Grace Stoneking arrived in Van Buren two years ago. Assigned as the first-ever FoodCorps service member with the Van Buren School District, Stoneking’s arrival signaled a shift in the way VBSD approached nutrition education and ushered in a new way of thinking about food and its origins for Van Buren students.
FoodCorps school receives grant to expand garden
CONWAY — Sarah Lane was cheering for the carrots in the Ida Burns Elementary School learning garden in Conway. “We have some carrots that look like they’re going to be ready next week, so I’m crossing my fingers that we can use them before the kids leave for the summer,” she said before school was out. May 24 was the students’ last day, and the carrots “looked good,” she said.
Top 4 Things to Know About the Farm Bill
Think the Farm Bill doesn’t affect you? Think again. Most people know the Farm Bill as covering agricultural laws and farmer subsidy payments. But it also covers a whole lot more, and impacts everyone who eats in this country—in other words, everyone.
Spotlight on LGBTQ Staff
In honor of Pride Month, some of our FoodCorps staffers share how their identities inform and impact the work that they do.
Serving Pride with FoodCorps
While I may have initially felt small, vulnerable, and “othered” in a new place, I took pride in how my time spent with these kids was not only helping them to understand how to grow a garden while learning science and nourish themselves, but also in how my weekly presence might help shape a more accepting classroom and school environment.