URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to protect funding for school meals! Take 2 minutes to make your voice heard.

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Author: FoodCorps

An Interview with STAR School’s Wellness Wonder Woman: Louva Montour

Louva Montour began volunteering at STAR (Service To All Relations) Charter School in 2001.  Later, she would become the school’s chef, the home-ec instructor, and a founding member of the STAR Wellness Committee.   Since the start of my service at STAR I’ve been fortunate to work closely with Louva, assisting in her home-ec classes where … Continued

8 Ways to Start 2017 Helping Vulnerable Kids Grow Up Healthy

Missed our “8 Days of Good” email series? You don’t have to miss your chance to start the new year getting your hands dirty helping kids grow up healthy. We’ve summed up the series here.  Add your ideas in the comments. 1. Resolve to fight for food justice Neither race, place, nor income should determine whether or … Continued

I Believe in Fort Apache

Julee Dehose is a White Mountain Apache Tribal member and serves in her home community of Cibecue at the Dish’chii’bikoh Community School on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation. Julee grew up in Cibecue, a White Mountain Apache village of 900 tribal members, and attended the Dish’chii’bikoh Community School from kindergarten to 12th grade. Julee also … Continued


It is no coincidence that when I applied to FoodCorps, my first choice was to serve at the Greater Newark Conservancy in Newark, New Jersey. My family’s history in Newark dates back to the 1900s, so I wanted to serve in the heart of the city to deepen my connections with my family and community. Today, … Continued