Our 2024 Child Nutrition Policy Year in Review
FoodCorps School Nutrition Program Guide
This guide is designed to support FoodCorps members in effective school nutrition programming with district partners.
Our 2024 FoodCorps Voter Guide
Explore issues that affect child well-being and make a plan to vote.
School Nutrition Appreciation Cards
Download, print, and share these appreciation cards with your school meal heroes.
Fruit & Veggie Valentines
Download, print, and share FoodCorps’ fruit and veggie-inspired Valentine’s Day Cards.
Libro de recetas de FoodCorps
Estas recetas destacan productos de temporada que se pueden obtener localmente o cultivar en huertos escolares.
Garden Joke Teller
This childhood favorite is sure to “leaf” you chuckling!
Veggie Valentines
Download, print, and share FoodCorps’ veggie-inspired Valentine’s Day Cards.
Report: Nourishing Futures for Every Student
Policy Recommendations from FoodCorps to the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health
Education Outside Resources
Education Outside was a nonprofit committed to advancing science education in public schools, outdoors. Though Education Outside closed its doors in 2019, garden-based programming continues in many of these schools through other organizations, including FoodCorps. These resources represent best practices and lessons learned by Education Outside over eight years of training and deploying garden educators … Continued
Nourishing Learners Report
During the school closures of the 2020-2021 school year, FoodCorps set out to learn how districts and school nutrition leaders were working together to feed and teach students amid COVID-19. This report reveals both the silver linings and the pain points of the challenges schools faced, and it shares opportunities to strengthen food in schools as children … Continued