FoodCorps Responds to USDA Cuts to Local Food Spending
URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to protect funding for school meals! Take 2 minutes to make your voice heard.
Think the Farm Bill doesn’t affect you? Think again. Most people know the Farm Bill as covering agricultural laws and farmer subsidy payments. But it also covers a whole lot more, and impacts everyone who eats in this country—in other words, everyone.
This month’s policy brief is a call to action on two things: funding for national service and showing support for the Local FARMS Act of 2017, which helps communities prosper through farm to fork investments, helps consumers access fresh food and reauthorizes the Food and Agriculture Service Learning Program.
FoodCorps stands with all those who are mobilizing to seek solutions to the crisis of gun violence in our nation’s schools.
On Monday, President Trump released his Administration’s budget proposal for federal fiscal year (FY) 2019 which again calls for eliminating our nation’s bipartisan commitment to national service. The President’s budget proposal would eliminate the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), which funds AmeriCorps and other national service programs. However, it is important to remember … Continued
Enjoy this month’s policy update! We’re covering what’s going on with the farm bill, government funding, USDA school meals guidelines and how to advocate for national service. Farm Bill – Timing uncertain As we’ve reported before, the current farm bill expires on September 30, 2018. The House Agriculture Committee is further along in the process … Continued
Welcome to 2018 – it’s going to be a busy policy year! In D.C., we anticipate continued advocacy around AmeriCorps funding (more on that below) and Congress will continue debating and drafting the reauthorization of the Farm Bill, which includes some important priorities for FoodCorps.
Sustainable Agriculture Priorities for the 2018 Farm Bill, Help Make the AmeriCorps Education Award Tax-Free, and Sign up for Action Alerts!
State and local school nutrition wins, updates on the Local FARMS Act, and a new report on childhood obesity
A bill supporting Farm to School and School Garden grant funding in Oregon was passed unanimously by Oregon’s legislature Thursday, preserving the $4.5 million program available to schools state-wide.
Yesterday, the USDA announced a relaxation of healthy school guidelines, slowing the timeline for schools to comply with certain regulations and loosening the standards for others. We are extremely disappointed to see yesterday’s action to relax science-based nutrition standards for school meals.