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Year: 2014

FoodCorps Get to Know: Miguel from GBCS

Meet Miguel! “All About Food” is a cooking class I teach to 6th-8th graders at Greater Brunswick Charter School in New Brunswick, NJ. Two days a week, students are engaged in food-related activities like gardening and nutrition; one day a week is dedicated to building their cooking skills.

Fiesta Friday Local Lunch!

In my role as a FoodCorps service member, I am tasked with three interconnected pillars of work that, done together, can help transform kids’ relationships to food. They are: teaching kids about healthy food and where it comes from, engaging kids in hands-on gardening and cooking lessons, and working with school food staff to get healthy food from … Continued

Local Food is Going Back to School with FoodCorps in Iowa

By Sarah McColl It’s sweet-corn season in Iowa, and with the school year about to commence, it would seem that the easiest way to get ears on the lunch trays of students would be to truck the harvest straight to the cafeteria. Well, kids who attend Des Moines Public Schools can expect more local corn … Continued

Digging Into Healthy Habits in School Gardens

FoodCorps service member Erin Jackson was recently asked to speak on Montana Public Radio for the Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO) to share her experience as a school garden educator and her ability to connect kids to real food through hands-on gardening activities. AERO is a grassroots membership organization serving as Montana’s hub for sustainable … Continued

Reasons to Love a Small Town

In a town the size of Red Lodge, it’s easy to feel like you know everyone. I’ve often connected with other service members in small towns about the difficulty of getting anywhere on time because inevitably you will stop to talk to someone along the way. Despite the delays sometimes, I love running into parents; … Continued