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Year: 2015

De’Ondre’s Strawberries

Fairview Elementary can be a tough place to be a kid. Tucked away behind Main Street in High Point, North Carolina—ranked first in the nation for food insecurity—it’s a place where families learn to survive by holding on tightly to what they have. Amidst the vacant lots and abandoned furniture factories, Fairview’s school garden stands … Continued

The Beet: Jerusha’s got it.

What you are doing is amazing… Who are you? Jerusha Klemperer What do you do? I am the Communications Director for FoodCorps. Where are you from? I am from New York City, less than a quarter mile away from FoodCorps headquarters. What was your favorite meal growing up? My favorite meal was a version of … Continued

The Color of Food

This spring Natasha Bowens, an urban farmer and the blogger behind Brown Girl Farming and the multimedia project The Color of Food, published a travelogue, of sorts, that chronicles her time spent driving across the country talking to farmers of color. The book is extraordinary. In giving voice to these practitioners, it ends up giving … Continued

First Certified School Garden on Arizona Reservation

“I would rather have my daughter eat what you guys grow out there than the food I get off a truck,” said Georgiana Adson, Tuba City’s School Food Service Director and the mother of one of our Edible School Garden students. With that she approved our request to pursue Garden to Cafeteria certification for our … Continued

How to get kids to eat healthy food? Let them cook it!

As a FoodCorps Service Member, it brings me so much joy to see students getting excited about eating healthy food. It warms my heart seeing countless kids jumping up and down in the cafeteria when they see me pull out my taste-testing cart. But what makes my heart swell even larger is seeing kids get … Continued