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Year: 2016

Inside Philanthropy: FoodCorps Gaining Steam with Philanthropists as Systems Change Solution

With the country standing to lose $1 trillion a year because of diet-related disease by 2030, philanthropists are turning to FoodCorps for a scalable solution. Prominent philanthropy journal Inside Philanthropy talks to FoodCorps donors Kat Taylor and New Profit’s Eliza Greenberg to find out why a program like FoodCorps can be a smart investment in healthy children … Continued

De-Constructing Smoothies, and Access

Upon my second meeting with our High School ROTC class we made Rainbow Smoothies.  An exciting way to emphasize the importance of getting a variety of benefits from our foods by increasing the variety of foods we eat.  Each rainbow smoothie (or salad, or kabob, or stir-fry, etc.!) contains at least one fruit or vegetable … Continued

Why I Do It

As a FoodCorps service member, I wake up every day excited to teach classes and serve my own community. By planting seeds with students on the Navajo Reservation, I’m giving them a new twist on old agricultural techniques. For generations, our people have farmed the land, endured droughts, and used traditional knowledge to grow food. … Continued