Our 2024 Child Nutrition Policy Year in Review
Lessons from Collaboration: How One Nonprofit Scaled Up Nutrition Education
This Triple Pundit article shares how FoodCorps’ partnership with the Walmart Foundation has helped expand and grow our efforts in connecting kids to healthy food over the past five years.
FoodCorps Georgia school districts honored with Golden Radish Awards
Georgia is home to the Golden Radish Award. This award honors school districts that are doing innovative farm to school work. In 2018, 84 Georgia school districts were awarded a Golden Radish Award for their efforts during the 2017-2018 school year, including six FoodCorps Georgia school districts!
Iowa FoodCorps Service Member Brings Excitement to Healthy Eating for Students
Iowa FoodCorps Service Member Emma Dubay is teaching Oelwein elementary school kids all about healthy food and where it comes from!
Sprout Scouts Take Field Trip to Mid Maine Technical Center
Sprout Scouts, led by Maine FoodCorps Service Member Emily Dufford, took a field trip to Mid Maine Technical Center and learned how to make pico de gallo with high school mentors!
President’s Budget Slashes School Meals, National Service, and Food Benefits
President released his budget for the 2020 federal fiscal year. Here, we share rundown on some of the policies FoodCorps tracks closely and how they fared in the budget.
Families gather for Butte’s first family cooking night
FoodCorps service members in Montana hosted hands-on family cooking nights and taught parents and students how to prepare healthy, low cost meals.
Maine Elementary School Starts Zero Waste Lunch Program
In a school lunchroom, it’s common many students are eating sandwiches that mom or dad have wrapped in plastic and put in a brown paper bag. But, lunch at a Belfast elementary school looked a little different Thursday.
The #1 Reason to Apply Now
It’s time to submit your application to be a FoodCorps service member! Don’t wait to send it in—there’s one big reason to apply now.
Watch Jonathan Perform His Slam Poem “Roped Wings”
FoodCorps service member Jonathan Rosser performs his poem “Roped Wings” at his service site’s garden in Stoneville, Mississippi.
More Funding for Healthy School Food Passes
After many twists and turns, Congress finally passed a package of spending bills for 2019. Some good news: more funding for food education!