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Huffington Post: Deb Eschmeyer on the full school food equation
“The first time you hand a child an apple instead of a cookie, or a baked sweet potato wedge instead of a French fry, he is bound to be disappointed. Similarly, the first time you give a child a math textbook, he may come home frustrated with fractions. But we don’t give up on our … Continued
Frosty Gardening in Boulder
“These are the best carrots in the whole world!” “No they aren’t. The best carrots ever grow here in Boulder!” This debate between two 5thgrade boys on which carrots were tastier: their morning snack of carrots from Western Montana Grower’s Cooperative or local Boulder Elementary School garden carrots was one in which I was happy … Continued
Charlotte Magazine: FoodCorps members teach Gaston County NC kids to eat local, healthy
Former service member Allison Marshall collaborates with present service member Sarah Dixon to introduce local, healthy food to Gaston County cafeteria trays.
Cooking Light blog: Corbin, on the diverse and delicious community in which he serves, Lewiston Maine
Corbin serves in Lewiston. It is the place he calls home, and he loves it. The coffee is good, too.
Cooking Light: Robyn Wardell stepped up to help kids in Flint, MI grow fresh food
by Kimberly Holland America’s Millennials have made food their cause. First, they’re just into it: 40% of people in their 20s are self-described foodies, according to one survey. Second, as a generation fired up about local and global issues, they care about where food comes from and making sure everyone has access to it. Twenty-three-year-old … Continued
Saving the Season
Madyson Versteeg is a FoodCorps Service Member in Billings, MT. Billings, the largest city in Montana, has been my home for just under two months. I am still surprised by discovering a new café that uses local ingredients, by the rewarding interactions with numerous community members on a daily basis, and by the first snow on … Continued
Huffington Post: Deb Eschmeyer on the full school food equation
Deb Eschmeyer, FoodCorps’ co-founder and Director of Partnerships and Policy, weighs in on the recent school lunch debate.
Annie’s® Grows Its ‘Gardens Of Goodness’ Initiative With Support Of FoodCorps Fellows
Annie’s® Grows Its ‘Gardens Of Goodness’ Initiative With Support Of FoodCorps Fellows
Oct 01, 2012 – Grants for Gardens and Sustainable Agriculture Scholarship applications are also available as part of Annie’s ongoing commitment to school gardens.
FoodCorps Launches Second Program Year With New States, 84% Growth in Service Force
Aug 13, 2012 – 80 Service Members and 12 FoodCorps Fellows Set Out to Improve School Food
Grist: What happens to school gardens in the summer?
Service members Katy Brantley and Dana Stevens share how they keep awesome school garden programming going all summer long.