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Year: 2015

FoodCorps from a Principal’s Perspective

Not many principals have experienced their schools from the perspective  of a student. But Maria Pace, Boulder Elementary & Middle’s Principal-Superintendent, grew up attending Boulder Elementary & Middle School. Now an administrator, she devotes herself to nurturing the school that nurtured her. A main focus for Maria is fostering a healthy school environment. With the work of passionate staff … Continued

Peer Pressure and Leafy Greens

I stood behind a long table in the high school cafeteria, small plastic cups lined end to end. Half the cups were overflowing with shiny, curly, green leaves speckled with dried cranberries and pumpkin seeds: Kale Salad. The other half were filled with kale too, but darkened, flat, and crispy: chips. I was standing next … Continued

5th Grade Veggie Competition of Garbanzo Proportions

Blindfolded, they were surrounded. With sight gone, their 4 other senses were heightened, as they carefully and silently ate what I put on their plates. Round 1, one veggie… Round 2, another. Contestants thought: I’ve tasted this before, what can it be?! I think maybe corn? I reported, “Incorrect, it was a beet.” Round 3, something … Continued

Four FoodCorps Alumni Awarded Good Food Grants

FoodCorps’ new Alumni Grant Program is designed to make it easier for our alumni to access the resources they need to remain active members of the good food movement. Alumni can apply for grants to fund their own professional development, to organize service projects, or to provide seed funding for new ventures. We award 4 … Continued