17 Children’s Books We Love All About Food
URGENT ACTION: Tell Congress to protect funding for school meals! Take 2 minutes to make your voice heard.
April 30th was the first ever Farm to School Day in Jackson Mississippi. Our four service members report back on how the day went. Hint: success!
Edible Communities’ Manhattan mag covers FoodCorps, which has its headquarters in New York City.
Service Member David Pecusa talks about what drew him to working in the food system.
January 24th Declared “FoodCorps Day”
Jan 24, 2012 – New Mexico Legislature declares every January 24th FoodCorps/AmeriCorps Day
CIvil Eats features Rachel Spencer and her tales of a Day in the Life of a FoodCorps Service Member.
AP Television follows some of our Massachusetts and Oregon service members as they “try to make carrots cool.”
Food Republic site covers FoodCorps and service members Stephanie Lip and Allison Marshall.
FoodCorps on Mark Bittman’s 25 things to be hopeful about
Michael Prager, for The Boston Globe, writes about getting local, healthy food onto school lunch trays.
Service Members Andy Harding and Norris Guscott, serving with the Food project, talk with the Globe about food and community.