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Author: FoodCorps

Amarilys Olivo is building a community of worker bees

FoodCorps is honored to present Amarilys with this year’s Alumni Service Leadership Award. When Amarilys Olivo (NJ ’17) founded a community garden, she decided to call it the “Garden of Worker Bees.” Bees work collaboratively to take care of their community; each bee has its role and contributes to the well-being of the whole. Amarilys wanted to emulate that work ethic to create opportunities for learning, building healthy lifestyles, and connecting with fellow community members.

“Here we were understood, here we were safe”

Last month we created a space for 15 of our native, multiracial and alumni of color to come together and build their network, set personal goals and refine their tools for how to navigate, find a voice, and a sense of safety within the predominately white organizations and spaces where they may find themselves. The … Continued

Meet this year’s Alumni Council

Each year we invite new members to join our Alumni Council to bring fresh perspectives and passions to the group. They are here to support all alumni in launching initiatives they’d like to start, in lifting their voices to FoodCorps’ National team, and in advancing their career goals post-FoodCorps. Meet the Council members below and … Continued

Announcing the 2017 Alumni Service Leadership Award Honorees

What do making kimchi, leading a farm camp and promoting farm-to-school regionally have in common? They are all ways to bring FoodCorps’ values to your work, and they’re the impressive careers and passions of our three inaugural William K. Bowes Service Leadership Award honorees: Lauren Rhoades ‘15, Krizl Soriano ‘16 and Rachel Spencer ‘12. Our … Continued