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Category: Stories

7 Reasons Why We’re Celebrating 2017

Over the past year, we’ve seen a lot of ups and downs. We’ve had to fight for the existence of AmeriCorps, and we’ve seen our school lunch guidelines relaxed despite taking a stand against it. Still, we believe that big things are possible, and we believe in celebrating our successes.

Building a Better FoodCorps

To further our commitment to equity, FoodCorps recently promoted Tiffany McClain into a brand-new role: Director of Organizational Equity and Inclusion. We spoke with her about how she sees herself implementing FoodCorps’ equity, diversity, and inclusion priorities.

“Here we were understood, here we were safe”

Last month we created a space for 15 of our native, multiracial and alumni of color to come together and build their network, set personal goals and refine their tools for how to navigate, find a voice, and a sense of safety within the predominately white organizations and spaces where they may find themselves. The … Continued