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Category: Stories

Mississippi-Grown Food Service: An Interview with Rose Tate

Written by James Tolleson, service member in Greenwood On December 2, 2013, a group of farmers, food service staff, educators, community organizers and others gathered in Pearl, Mississippi, for the 2nd Annual Mississippi Farm To Cafeteria Conference, hosted by the Mississippi Food Policy Council. After the conference, I caught up with Rose Tate, a Mississippi Delta-Native and … Continued

Two Bites of Confidence

“Hey! You are the teacher that helps us not to be afraid of trying new foods!” I hear these words from a sweet five year old girl, “Alice.” She is proudly holding a piece of pear in her hand as I mill through the lunch room, encouraging students to try our new menu item, tabbouleh. … Continued

A Classroom Ceremony for Food

“All hail kale!” we cheered with our forks raised before chomping down on bites of kale salad. It was my second class of the day with the fifth graders at Ronan Middle School, who had just finished making three variations of Massaged Kale Salad: Basic, Greek, and Spice it Up. After the salads were ready, … Continued

It’s an Alien! It’s a Spaceship! Nope, it’s…

“It looks like a baby alien!” “A space ship!” “A forest of mini Christmas trees!” Those were just a few of the remarks I heard when I arrived at Traverse Heights Elementary School in Traverse City to promote the locally grown produce being served in the cafeteria.

Life After FoodCorps

As spring marches forward the question comes with increasing frequency: “So, Natasha… what’s next?” This may sound preemptive to address in April, five months before the FoodCorps end of service in August. The end of my time in Ennis may be a long way off, but it already seems to be in the thoughts of … Continued